Send Files to github

Make the git folder where your projects will be stored and updated.

git init

Pull in files/folders/changes to the git staging folder.

git add 

Get read to push your fist commit – Set up a comment (First commit)

git commit -m "First commit"

One more step to push your changes

git remote add origin remote repository URL

Finally push your changes. (origin: the url to your repository) – (master: The branch you want to use)

git push origin master

Create a new branch.

git checkout -b amend-my-name

Change to an existing branch

git checkout master

Check what branch you are using. (the one with the * is the current)

git branch

If you have added new files/folders re-run

 git add .

Add a description of/for your change

git commit -m "added my github name"

Finally push your changes. (origin: the url to your repository) – (amend-my-name: The branch you want to use)

git push origin amend-my-name

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